

COFFEE BEAN ROAST LEVELS EXPLAINED NOV 18, 2015   BY  BEV DA SILVA   IN  COFFEE ACADEMY Coffee Bean Roast Levels Explained It’s not common knowledge; I was even surprised to her the endless levels of “roast” a coffee bean can undergo. To spare you an exorbitantly long read, we will highlight the three most common roast levels and how they vary is taste, quality, price and availability. Coffee Bean Roast Level #1: Blonde Coffee  This is your entry-level roast. It is the lightest and takes the least amount of time. Some coffee enthusiasts will argue that this roast level is the best, and anything more can be likened to overcooking a steak on the braai. Their reasoning behind this is that this level of roast allows the coffee bean just enough time to crisp up, but still retains that true coffee taste. This roast level also allows for the highest caffeine content (caffeine is “burnt away” throughout the roasting process). The lipid (natural fat) content is very low in the

Coffee Varieties: Timor Hybrid

Coffee Varieties: Timor Hybrid Depulping coffees in Timor. [ Photograph: giantpandinha on Flickr ] We've been chatting lately about the diversity that exists among coffee plants, and exploring a few major varieties. Ever wonder what those expensive  Gesha beans taste like? Have you tried  Bourbon  coffees and  Yirgacheffe ? How much does coffee  variety matter ? Or is it really all about methods used in each  growing region ? Or  the terroir itself ? Today we'll go clear across the globe to explore wacky interspecies hybrid coffee cultivar called  Timor Hybrid . The only one of its kind on record, the spontaneous mating of a Robusta and an Arabica plant bore Timor Hybrid on (you guessed it) the East Asian island of Timor. Since its appearance in the 1940s, it has become the parent plant for many modern man-made hybrids, as coffee botanists, scientists, and producers seek strains that are hardy, disease resistant, and productive. Timor Hybrid (which is often call


Image COFFEE PROCESSING THE NATURAL/DRY PROCESS Process: The harvested coffee cherries are sorted to remove unripe berries. The ripe berries are then laid out in the sunshine to be dried to 11% moisture with the assistance of manual raking for even air circulation to prevent mold. The beans are stripped of the dry fruit and are allowed to rest for 30-60 days. Mechanical hulling then removes the bean’s natural protective layer of parchment to prepare the bean for grading and exporting. Prevalence: Used primarily in water poor areas such as Ethiopia and parts of Brazil, and must be executed with extreme care to prevent mold and negative flavor notes. Quality: Often adds notes described as blueberry, strawberry, citrus, or earthy, but sometimes with negative terms such as wild, ferment, barnyard, or manure if not executed correctly. THE WASHED PROCESS Process: The harvested coffee cherries are placed into a large tank of water where rip


The 3 Main Types of Coffee Processing There are three predominant ways coffee has been traditionally processed: washed, natural and honey. There are alternatives, but these are both rare and typically localised, such as  wet hulling in Indonesia . 1. Washed Coffees Washed coffees focus solely on the bean. They let you taste you what’s on the inside, not the outside. You see, a natural or honey processed coffee requires that the coffee cherry around the bean be flavourful. Washed coffees, however, depend almost 100% on the bean having absorbed enough natural sugars and nutrients during its growing cycle. This means the  varietal , soil, weather,  ripeness ,  fermentation , washing, and drying are absolutely key. Washed coffees reflect both the science of growing the perfect coffee bean and the fact that farmers are an integral part of crafting the taste of a coffee bean. When looking at washed coffees, it becomes apparent that the country of origin and environmental conditio


Proses pascapanen   DityoP March 4, 201 7 Uncategorized Konon, rasa enak dari kopi 60% ditentukan di kebun. 30% saat roasting. Dan sisanya, 10% saat nyeduh. Proses di kebun tersebut dominan terjadi di saat proses pascapanen. Ada 2 pilhan proses pascapanen kopi, yang metode basah dan metode kering. Prinsip metode basah adalah ada proses mengupas kulit dan menghilangkan lendir sisa daging buah. Biji kopi dijemur dalam kondisi yang bersih.  Di metode basah, kopi hasil panen dirambang duhulu dalam air. Tujuannya untuk memisahkan kopi yang akan diproses dari buah kopi yang jelek. saat dirambang dalam air, buah kopi yang terserang hama dan kurang baik akan mengambang. Kopi yang mengambang ini dibuang, disingkirkan dari proses. Proses berikutnya adalah pengupasan, kulit buah dipisahkan dari biji. Nanti akan menghasilkan biji kopi yang masih ada kulit tanduknya. Di metode basah, ada 2 pilihan proses yang bisa dilakukan. Yakni semi-wash dan fully-washed. Di proses semi-washed, lend


Natural Dan Honey Process Dalam Kopi SOBAT KOPI BLOGGER Halo, Sobat Kopi  Beberapa waktu lalu, salah satu sahabat saya menanyakan sebuah hal dalam proses pengeringan kopi.  “Apa sih beda natural sama honey process? Apakah berpengaruh dalam hal rasa dan aroma?”  Kurang lebih seperti itu pertanyaan yang diajukan kepada saya, dan saya hanya bisa menjawab seadanya, dengan jawaban yang kira-kira seperti ini  “natural itu prosesnya kering, jadi ketika kopi itu dipetik langsung dijemur dalam bentuk buah, sedangkan kalo honey process itu dikupas dulu baru dijemur”.  Saya sebetulnya kurang yakin apakah jawaban saya benar atau tidak tetapi sepengetahuan saya ya seperti itu, karena saya juga belum terlalu lama berkecimpung di dunia perkopian. Jadi, sebenarnya apa sih itu Natural Process, apa sih itu Honey Process.  Bagi Sobat Kopi yang ingin tahu tentang proses penjemuran atau pengeringan kopi pasca panen dan bagaimana hasil serta karakteristik yang dihasilkan, mari kita bahas lebih l


MENGENAL MACAM-MACAM PROSES PENGOLAHAN KOPI NOVEMBER 3, 2016   by   YULIN MASDAKATY Bagaimana kopi diproses setelah dipanen akan memengaruhi, bahkan memberikan efek dramatis kepada hasil akhir kopi yang diseduh. Dengan kata lain, proses pengolahan termasuk faktor penting yang tidak boleh dilewatkan dalam industri kopi. SEBELUM  mengetahui bagaimana kopi diproses, sebaiknya kita perlu tahu dulu berbagai struktur dan lapisan dari buah/ cherry  kopi. Pada dasarnya, struktur buah kopi ( coffee cherry)  terdiri dari  pericarp  (kulit daging terluar) dan biji kopi.  Pericarp  sendiri terdiri lagi dari beberapa lapisan seperti kulit, daging kulit, layer getah (yang biasanya terdiri dari gula alami dan semacam kandungan alkohol) dan perkamen.  Lapisan  pericarp  adalah yang paling sering dibersihkan, namun lapisan ini juga berpengaruh dalam menambah rasa pada kopi. Setelah dipanen, buah-buah kopi yang dipetik kemudian dibawa ke penggilingan untuk memisahkan biji dengan kulit dag